A Celebration of Philanthropy in Herefordshire
By 2013 Bob Tabor
Bob attended “A Celebration of Philanthropy in Herefordshire” reception and presentation hosted by The Herefordshire Foundation and organised by Commander Ray Hunter (Rtd) on Friday 1st November 2013 at the Town Hall, Hereford in the presence of their Patron, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Herefordshire, The Countess of Darnley JP. Mr Nat Hone gave a presentation and explained the benefits of community giving. Sue Trevethan gave a presentation explaining how the Hope Support Centre in Ross on Wye was able to get started as a result of funds and support provided by The Herefordshire Foundation. Bob met a wide variety of people involved with charitable work and charitable giving in the County.
The Herefordshire Foundation is a resource for Herefordshire businesses interested in charitable and community giving. A charitable organisation, the Foundation sets out to promote philanthropy by encouraging and motivating organisations and individuals to give. It distributes grants to address immediate requirements, as well as building an endowment that will increase the level of funds available to address future needs over a long time.