Champagne Cream Tea -Dadnor Court – Sunday 29th July
By 2018 Nathaniel Hone
The Mayor of Ross-on-Wye, Harry Bramer has chosen as his Mayor’s charity during is year in office PAPYRUS. a small but national charity for the prevention of young suicides. It is a tragedy that there is a need for such a charity but there is. Here is a link for more information.
The Mayor and his consort, Marie Ward, hosted a champagne cream tea at his home to support this charity. Dadnor Court’s own grapes made the champagne and very good it is too. There was much to see and do beside eating and drinking. A good number of people came to support the event. The weather, otherwise blazing hot and dry for weeks, decided to tease us a little with some rain but not for long. A useful sum of money was raised for the charity.
The vineyard features in the “Great British Vineyards” guide. Here is a link.