Herefordshire Mind
By 2020 Tricia Thomas
@Herefordshire Mind
Are you a key worker, furloughed or finding things difficult?
We offer support to everyone. In these trying times most of us will need someone to talk to, someone to listen.
We want to lighten the load if we can. You may never have needed us before, but right now just having someone confidential to offload to can make all the difference. That’s why we’re offering 1;1 phone support or e mail support to anyone who is finding things stressful or overwhelming.
If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you.
• 5pm – 10pm for phone support
• 5pm – 10pm for email support
Mondays and Tuesdays:
• 5pm – 10pm for phone support
• 6pm – 10pm for email support
Tel: 07776706843
E mail: safehaven@herefordshire-mind.org.uk