The British Red Cross – an organisation to be proud of
By 2020 Tricia Thomas
While speaking recently with Debra Tritton, British Red Cross President for Herefordshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire, I found out more about the unique partnership between The National Emergencies Trust (NET) and the The British Red Cross (BRC).
National Emergencies Trust was set up in response to a Charity Commission recommendation following a series of UK emergencies in 2017, where it was identified that at time of a national emergency, financial support was needed swiftly by the vulnerable people affected.
The British Red Cross with 150 years of experience of managing global disasters, has expertise to that organise donations from individuals and businesses are made quickly and easily.
The NET Coronavirus Appeal administration is therefore run by the BRC, on behalf of the NET, proving a simple and easy place for people to give online. NET then works with each of the 47
UK Community Foundations who with their in-depth local knowledge can prioritise and ensure the funding goes where it is most needed, such as our
Herefordshire Community Foundation
Millions of pounds have so far been donated and distributed through this partnership, but there is still work to do. You can give here: http://ow.ly/ZbZ650zZ26d
The British Red Cross in Herefordshire is working in many areas of care: getting people home safely after hospital, training First Aiders, co-ordinating volunteers, helping with money problems, organising mobility aids, supporting with telephone helplines, finding missing family, helping people in their homes, help with loneliness, for refugees and victims abroad – you can find out more here http://ow.ly/URWV50zZ26e.
The British Red Cross – an organisation to be proud of.
@HerefordCF #BritishRedCross #volunteerweek2020 #PowerofKindness @NationalEmergenciesTrust #Herefordshire