Visit to Hereford Magistrates Court – 20 June


By 2014 Major Patrick Darling

It was a privilege to be shown the Magistrates Court by Sue Furnival, The Chairman of the Bench and Stephen Willmot. I witnessed a mornings business in the Court.  It is reassuring to see justice being administered thoughtfully and diligently by people giving freely of their own time for the common good.  I came away seeing the value of local justice administered by local people and being easily accessible for the wider public. I also saw some of the distress caused to loved ones at the moment of sentencing and felt glad that this could be witnessed and personal.  However harrowing I am certain this is better in the flesh than on a remote TV link or in neighbouring Worcester.  My other abiding impression is the debt of gratitude we owe our Magistrates who give so much of their own time freely and generously for the common good.

Visit to Hereford Magistrates Court – 20 June