Visit of Wales Warbow Sunday 27th April 2014


By 2014 Major Patrick Darling

Archers from Wales Warbow  came to practice at Caradoc on Sunday 27th April after church. The team was lead by Jeremy Spencer, Captain of the Marks, and the day organised by Brian Lee.  It was a delight to practice this ancient skill.  Echoes of the song the Silver Arrow “The book is read and the prayers are said then all to the butts repair” were in my mind.  The song continues ” Full well they know no foreign foe our shores will dare invade, with pikemen bold our walls to hold and archers in every glade“.  The sport seems to hark back to an age when the nation pulled together.10155466_749647338413199_1078810742336833480_n1531569_749648038413129_6192188418211345170_n1510923_749647401746526_675010120881044436_n

Visit of Wales Warbow Sunday 27th April 2014